
NOVAhealth Chronic Disease and Infection: Microbiota and Health.

Conference 1

NOVAHealth Chronic Disease and Infection Group is launching its IV International Conference with the general goal of fostering the presentation of novel scientific achievements and the development of cross-disciplinary collaborations.

Our IV Conference focuses on Microbiota and Health to provide the more recent insights on how our microbiota composition is associated with infection diseases, inflammatory bowel conditions, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, cancer and neuropsychiatric disorders.

The conference offers the venue for a set of scientific sessions given by young researchers. This international workshop is intended to reach a broader audience from society in general, teaching staff, researchers and students at all levels. It aims to present research in different formats that allows a wide interaction and discussion among participants and raising the society awareness on the topic.

The session will take place at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa on 22th October 2021 and it will be livestreamed online via the Conference Zoom platform from 9 to 12.30.

Poster submission

Authors interested in presenting their research should submit their work at: NOVAsaúde Platform by September 20th, 2021. Abstracts on “Microbiota and Health” must be in English, with a maximum of 2500 characters including spaces, and should have the following structure: title, authors and affiliations, followed by background, methods, results and conclusions.

Note: Selected abstracts will be communicated to authors by October 2th, 2021 and the respective posters should be submitted by October 11th, 2021, to be included in the Conference Book.

Any additional questions send an email to;;

Organizing Committee

Ligia M. Saraiva

Alexandra R Fernandes

Paula Videira

Maria Grazia Rossi

Andreia Leite

Cláudia Conceição

NOVAhealth Group

Chronic and infectious diseases are one of the major global human health problems that include neurodegeneration, inflammation, immunological dysregulation, and old and emerging microbial infectious diseases. Chronic diseases have been leveraged by the longer human lifespan, while globalization, migrations, exponential increasing of travellers have been associated with an alarming escalade of microbes that are resistant to antibiotics.

NOVA Saúde Chronic Disease and Infection Group promotes research, evidence-based knowledge and awareness to develop new effective and sustainable approaches and solutions to these problems. The group fosters academic and social discussion in order to respond to the daily challenges pose to patients, as well as, to the health systems and their professionals.


Our Schedule

09:00 – 09:15 Opening / José Fragata, Vice-Rector NOVA

09:15 – 9:40 / Keynote Speaker: Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto - Maria Augusta Coelho, “Probiotics and prebiotics in psychiatric disorders: experimental data and clinical evidence”

9:40 – 9:50 / Discussion with Keynote Speaker

9.50 – 10.00 / Flash Presentation – ITQB - Mariana Camoez "Following dissemination of microbial populations through the food production chain"

10:00 – 10:10 / Flash Presentation  FCM/NMS - João Ricardo Araújo, "Interplay between intestinal microbiota and host metabolism"

10:10 – 10:30 / Discussion with Flash Talk Speakers

10:35 – 10:45 / Flash Presentation – IHMT - Márcia Medeiros “Oral poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV) boost drives changings on gut and respiratory microbiomes of infants”

10:45 – 10:55 / Flash Presentation – FCT - Irina Franco “Legionella pneumophila and its host cell targets - what’s the microbiome got to do with it?”

10:55 – 11:15 / Discussion with Flash Talk Speakers

11:15 – 11:25 / Flash Presentation – ENSP - Miguel Costa “Microbiome and public health: opportunities and challenges”

11:25 – 11:35 / Flash Presentation – FCSH - Cláudia Pernencar “Ontology and Semantic for an Embodied Conversational Agent. A health value for Inflammatory Bowel Disease patient care”

11:35 – 11:55 / Discussion with Flash Talk Speakers

11:55 – 12:05 / Flash Presentation – Pfizer - Pedro Lopes “Antimicrobial stewardship programs and its impact on microbiota and health”

12:05 – 12:15 / Discussion with Pfizer

12:15 - 12:25 / Best Poster award and concluding remarks

12:25 / Conclusion of the meeting

Download the program



Short biography
Maria Augusta Vieira-Coelho
Maria Augusta Vieira-Coelho
Associate Professor of Pharmacology

Associate Professor of Pharmacology in the Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto and Principal investigator in several research projects. Pedagogic activity in the courses of Pharmacology and Drug Therapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto.

The main interest for research has been in the field of Pharmacology and Neuroscience. Clinical activity as Psychiatrist in “Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (Porto).

Published 98 full papers in International peer-review journals.

Mariana Camoez
Mariana Camoez
Post-doctoral researcher

Mariana Camoez completed her PhD in Biomedicine, cum laude in 2016, at the Faculty of Medicine-University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain).

Currently, she is working at the Bacterial Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology Lab, ITQB-NOVA (Oeiras, Portugal) as a Post-doctoral researcher under the scope of an FCT project focused on understanding the role of the meat processing chain as a vehicle of dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to humans.

M. Camoez, main research interests are focused on the molecular epidemiology, evolution, and transmission dynamics of multidrug-resistant bacteria in different environments, including the clinical and veterinary settings in a One Health perspective. She has expertise in multiple phenotypic techniques for assessing antimicrobial resistance and bacterial pathogenesis as well as in state-of-the-art molecular typing tools.

At this stage of her career, she has authored or co-authored 19 papers in peer-reviewed international journals (h-index=11; 338 citations), and more than 50 communications at national and international conferences.

Talk synopsis

João Ricardo Araújo
João Ricardo Araújo
Post-doctoral researcher
  • BSc in Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of Porto University. 
  • PhD in Metabolism, Medical Faculty of Porto University.  
  • Post-doc (in microbiota and host metabolism), Pasteur Institute of Paris. 
  • Current position: Assistant Professor at NOVA Medical School and research fellow from Center for Health Technology and Services Research (CINTESIS). 
Márcia Melo Medeiros
Márcia Melo Medeiros
PhD researcher at the Medical Parasitology Unit

Márcia Melo Medeiros is a PhD researcher at the Medical Parasitology Unit of Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (IHMT) and Global Health and Tropical Medicine Center (GHTM) of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNL).

She holds a PhD in Sciences (2011), a specialization degree in General and Internal Medicine (2003) and a degree in Medicine (1999), all by Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. She has developed studies in Life and Health Sciences, following the research line of Host-Pathogen Interactions, mainly between malaria parasites and vertebrate hosts, but also between microbiome and the human host.

She is also member of Portuguese and Brazilian Medical Associations, Brazilian General and Internal Medicine Association and Brazilian Society of Protozoology.

Talk synopsis

Irina Franco
Irina Franco
Researcher at NOVA School of Science and Technology

Irina Saraiva Franco is a Researcher at NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit, UCIBIO. Her work at the Infection Biology lab is focused on the virulence mechanisms underlying infections of the bacterial pathogen Legionella pneumophila, namely the role of secreted bacterial effector proteins in subverting host cell processes such as cytoskeleton dynamics and vesicle trafficking.

She received her BSc in Microbiology and Genetics from Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa and her PhD from ITQB NOVA. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University, New York and University of Chicago and joined the Infection Biology lab in 2012 as a Marie Curie/FCT Welcome II Assistant Researcher. She has been awarded funding from FCT, from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) and Bolsa NOVA Saúde.

Talk synopsis

Miguel Costa
Miguel Costa
PhD student

Dr. Miguel Costa is a Veterinarian and a PhD candidate of the International Global Public Health Doctoral Programme, based at the NOVA-National School of Public Health.

His work focusses on the antimicrobial resistance from the One Health perspective. In particular, he has described antimicrobial resistance distribution in food-producing animals and meat for Campylobacter, Salmonella and E. coli and it currently working on the study of multi-resistance.

He is also a member of the Comprehensive Health Research Centre (CHRC).

Talk synopsis

Cláudia Pernencar
Cláudia Pernencar
Consulting, researching and teaching in Digital Health

Cláudia hold a PhD in Digital Media (NOVA FCSH – UT Austin Portugal Co-lab). She is an invited Professor at ESAD, School of Fine Arts and Design from Polytechnic of Leiria. She teaches in Design for Health and Wellbeing master’s degree.

As a ICNOVA researcher, she has been developing research projects with LARIISA Lab from FIOCRUZ: (1) CoVIVE Social – Digital Health Solution for communication between the Hospital Service and the patient’s family; (2) GISSA Intelligent Bot – Intelligent Platform Prototype for user’s communication regarding primary health care in the COVID-19 Pandemic; (3) Pernambucan Women Journey on the uterine cancer healthcare. She is coordinating the SecLAB6 – Digital Health from PICTIS (International Platform for Science, Technology and Innovation and Health).

Her greatest strength is to identify, with Design practices, digital innovation in healthcare. The topics of interest are Health User Research; Health Communication; Health Service design.

Talk synopsis

Pedro Lopes
Pedro Lopes
Medical Lead at Pfizer’s Hospital Business Unit

Graduated in Medicine by the Lisbon School of Medicine (1995/2001), works as General Practitioner at Hospital da Luz.

Currently Medical Lead for Hospital Business Unit at Pfizer Portugal, has developed his career in Pharmaceutical industry in the past 16 years in several medical affairs roles both at local and European level. Holds a post-graduation in Marketing and Business Management by the Católica Lisbon Business and Economics (2009/2010).

Additionally, he has been involved over the past 11 years in health literacy initiatives through media, where he had several collaborations on daytime television shows and has been author and host of a health daily talk show.

Talk synopsis


See the ePosters selected


For more information

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Reitoria
Campus de Campolide
1099-085 Lisboa

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Reitoria - Campus de Campolide 1099-085 Lisboa, Portugal
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