
NOVAhealth Chronic Disease and Infection: Infection, Cancer and Global Health.

Conference 1

The NOVA Saúde group in Chronic Diseases and Infection is launching its third international Conference with the general goal of fostering the discovery of novel scientific insights and the development of cross-disciplinary collaborations to shape research and the field.

This Conference has a broad focus in Infection, Cancer and Global health and invites all interested in any of these three main general topics. Special attention shall be given to factors that cause or prevent infection and cancer, their interplay and impact on global health.

NOVAhealth Chronic Disease and Infection Group is the convener of a set of scientific sessions to be held at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

The session will take place on October 9 of 2020, online, via the Zoom platform.

This international Workshop is for teaching staff, researchers and students at all levels. It aims to present research in a format that allows wide discussion among participants.


Authors interested in presenting their research should submit their work at: NOVAsaúde Platform by September 22, 2020. Abstracts must be in English, with a maximum of 2500 characters including spaces, and should have the following structure: title, authors and affiliations, followed by background, methods, results and conclusions.

Selected abstracts will be communicated by September 22, 2020 and the respective posters should be sent by September 29, 2020 to be included in the Conference Book.

Best Poster will be awarded!

Organizing Committee

Alexandra R Fernandes
UCIBIO, Departamento Ciências da Vida, FCT-NOVA

Paula Videira
UCIBIO, Departamento Ciências da Vida, FCT-NOVA

Helena Soares
Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, FCM|NMS

NOVAhealth Group

Chronic and infectious diseases are one of the major global human health problems that include neurodegeneration, inflammation, immunological dysregulation, and old and emerging microbial infectious diseases. Chronic diseases have been leveraged by the longer human lifespan, while globalization, migrations, exponential increasing of travellers have been associated with an alarming escalade of microbes that are resistant to antibiotics.

NOVA Saúde Chronic Disease and Infection Group promotes research, evidence-based knowledge and awareness to develop new effective and sustainable approaches and solutions to these problems. The group fosters academic and social discussion in order to respond to the daily challenges pose to patients, as well as, to the health systems and their professionals.


Our Schedule

09:00 – 09:15 Abertura / João Sàágua, Rector UNL, José Fragata, Vice-Rector UNL (Comissão Organizadora: Alexandra R Fernandes, Paula Videira, Helena Soares)

09:15 – 9:35 / Keynote Speaker: Céu Figueiredo, Ipatimup & i3S, Universidade do Porto.

9:36 – 9:56 / Discussion with Keynote Speaker

10.00 – 10.08 / Flash Presentation – IHMT-NOVA - Tiago Serra “Point-of-care ultrasound in Schsistosoma haematobium infection – a new approach for the detection of potentially carcinogenic lesions”

10:09 – 10:18 / Flash Presentation – NMS/CEDOC-NOVA – Guadalupe Cabral “Validation of cytotoxic T Lymphocytes expressing high levels of HLA-DR as a novel predictive biomarker of breast cancer patient’s response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy

10:19 – 10:27 / Flash Presentation – FCT-NOVA – Catarina Roma-Rodrigues “Inhibition of angiogenesis mediated by chronic myeloid leukaemia exosomes with antiangiogenic gold nanoparticles - an in vivo study”

10:28 – 10:48 / Discussion with Flash Talk Speakers

10:50 – 10:58 / Flash Presentation – FCSH-NOVA - Vito Evola “How language about illness and healthcare influences the way doctors and patients’ reason and behave: Insights from cognitive linguistics”

10:59 – 11:07 / Flash Presentation – ENSP-NOVA - Carlos Palos “Leaping forward in antimicrobial stewardship: quality assessment and audit of individual prescriptions”

11:08 – 11:16 / Flash Presentation – ITQB-NOVA Oscar Rojas “Novel metal-based scaffolds as anticancer drugs”

11:17 – 11:37 / Discussion with Flash Talk Speakers

11:40 – 11:50 / Flash Presentation – Medical Director of Pfizer - Dra. Susana Castro Marques - About Pfizer: “Who We Are and What We Do – with a Special Focus on Research & Development”

11:50 – 12:05 / Discussion with Pfizer

12:05 / Best Poster award and concluding remarks

12:10 / Conclusion of the meeting


Short biography
Céu Figueiredo
Céu Figueiredo
Leader of the Microbes & Cancer Group at i3S/Ipatimup and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pathology at FMUP

Ceu Figueiredo is the Leader of the Microbes & Cancer Group at i3S/Ipatimup and an Assistant Professor at the Department of Pathology at FMUP. Her research has been dedicated to studying the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection, namely the epidemiology and clinical relevance of H. pylori virulence factors, and the interaction between bacterial virulence factors and human genetic susceptibility to gastric cancer. More recently, she has been exploring the relationship between the gastric microbiome and gastric carcinogenesis. She has published more than 110 peer-reviewed papers and nine book chapters, and her work has been cited over 5.600 times. She has coordinated and participated in research projects funded by FCT, Agency for Innovation, Ministry of Health, Gulbenkian Foundation, European Commission, and Worldwide Cancer Research. 

Talk synopsis

Tiago Serra
Tiago Serra
Member of the Global and Health and Tropical Medicine research group

Tiago Serra is a 33 years old medical doctor graduated from Minho University in 2010. Since 2014, he is also a Tropical Medicine PhD student at the Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Institute from NOVA University and a member of the Global and Health and Tropical Medicine research group. His research work focus on the evaluation of morbidity associated to Schistosoma spp. infection and its consequences for health in chronic infection. This topic took him to live in a small village in Mozambique countryside for about a year, where he was able to collect data for his research project. Besides that, he has lived in Angola, Germany and Italy for short training periods. Currently, he is an Internal Medicine specialist mostly dedicated to infectious diseases at Fernando Fonseca hospital and keeps working in is PhD thesis at the Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Institute.

Talk synopsis

Guadalupe Cabral
Guadalupe Cabral
Assistant professor at NOVA Medical School

After her graduation in Biology, in 1999, from Faculdade de Ciências/Universidade de Lisboa, Guadalupe Cabral developed her PhD at Instituto Superior Técnico. In 2007, she embraced a postdoc on Immunology, at CEDOC, and lately she launched a new research line, focused in understanding the role of the immune response in cancer, aiming to identify predictive biomarkers and develop new therapies. Her research was recently awarded by the Tagus Tank Consortium (Medicine Research Prize 2018), Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Terry Fox Research Grant 2019) and Pfizer/Sociedade das Ciências Médicas (Prize in Clinical Research 2019).

She is Author/Co-author of 25 papers in international peer reviewed Journals, mainly in the field of Cancer-Immunology and participated in more than 50 communications at national/international conferences. She has been supervising master and PhD students. Since 2011, Guadalupe Cabral is also an Invited Assistant professor at NOVA Medical School.

Talk synopsis

Catarina Roma-Rodrigues
Catarina Roma-Rodrigues
Postdoc position in the Nanomedicine Group and HGCT

Catarina Roma-Rodrigues holds a Bsc degree in Biochemistry from Faculdade Ciências Universidade Lisboa. After her Msc in Biotechnology, she was awarded a PhD in Biotechnology from Instituto Superior Técnico. Later, she integrated the Human Genetics and Cancer Therapeutics (HGCT) group at Faculdade Ciências Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCT-NOVA). Currently, she holds a joint postdoc position in the Nanomedicine Group and HGCT, both at UCIBIO, Dept. of Life Sciences, FCT-NOVA. She has been focused in the development of novel nanoformulations to tackle cancer exosomes biogenesis and/or to prevent tumour microenvironment communication mediated by exosomes aiming at inhibiting malignant transformation. She is also interested in the application of exosomes as vehicles for transport of therapeutic inorganic nanoparticles.

Talk synopsis

Vito Evola
Vito Evola

As a researcher within the MetaCare research framework at FCSH/UNL, I’m interested in investigating how theories of conceptual metaphor and gesture studies may be applied to doctor-patient interactions and discourse, through which practical knowledge may be imparted to the stakeholders for more effective communication.

Broadly, my research lies in the intersection of language, culture, and cognition, focusing on multimodal cognitive semiotics and the socio-anthropological aspects of the linguistic and the conceptual. One special interest of mine is on theoretical and methodological research of multimodal metaphors (speech, gesture, cultural artefacts) and how this might be applied in various domains, such as in patient-doctor interactions and psychotherapy and forensic interviews, in order to better understand the epistemic stance of the speaker (and their “worldview”) and how it is represented in “natural media” (voice, gestures, posture, gaze, usage of personal space, etc.). 

Talk synopsis

Carlos Palos
Carlos Palos

Carlos Palos is a Medical Doctor since 1990. Specialist on Internal Medicine since 1999 with the degree of Consultant since 2015. Superspecialist on Intensive Care Medicine since 2005. In 2007 he post-graduated on Health Management Systems at ISLA-Lisbon.

In 2009 he attended PADIS (Programa de Alta Direção de Instituições de Saúde) at AESE-Lisbon. He coordinates the Infection Control and Antimicrobials Committee of Hospital Beatriz Ângelo (HBA) and Grupo Luz Saúde. Between 2012 and 2015 he was the director of the Emergency Department of HBA. Main interests are infection prevention and control, antimicrobial and diagnosis stewardship, digital Health and medical education. Since 2009 he chairs the Adult and Elderly Pathology curricular unit of the Nursing Degree at Catholic University of Lisbon. Since 2014 he´s Invited Assistant of Introduction to Clinical Practice at NOVA Medical School.

Since 2017 he’s a PhD student on Epidemiology at NOVA National School of Public Health.

Talk synopsis

Susana Marques
Susana Marques
Country Medical Director, Pfizer Portugal

Susana Castro Marques obtained her Medical Degree in 1998 from NOVA Medical School - Faculdade de Ciências Médicas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She completed the medical residency in General and Family Medicine, a post-graduation in Bioethics, an MBA in Pharmaceutical Industry Business Management and an Executive MBA at ISCTE-IUL/INDEG Business School.

Susana Castro Marques has 18 years of experience in Pharmaceutical Industry, having worked at Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Novartis, where she was the medical responsible for areas such as HIV, Antibiotics, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Central Nervous System and Arthritis&Bone, and was Medical Team Leader of the Speciality Care Unit at Novartis. She joined Wyeth (later acquired by Pfizer) in 2008, working in the medical field of Rheumatology and Dermatology. In Pfizer, Susana worked 10 years in Vaccines in medical roles in Portugal and, since 2013, in international roles as Vaccines Medical Director and Senior Medical Director, that included leading Teams in the UK, Western Europe Mid-Size Markets and also Germany.

In July 2019, Susana became the Country Medical Director in Pfizer Portugal. She is also member of the Clinical Research Working Group at APIFARMA and member of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine/AMPIF.

Talk synopsis

Oscar Rojas
Oscar Rojas
Researcher at the ITQB NOVA of University Nova of Lisbon

Oscar Rojas obtained his degree in Chemistry by Universidade da Coruña, (Spain) where he also completed a maste's degree in Sciences, Technologies and Environmental Management. Oscar Rojas got his PhD in Chemistry (Dec 2017) by Universidade da Coruña, developing ruthenium complexes as anticancer agents, for what he was awarded an Extraordinary Doctorate Award. In May 2019, he started to work at the ITQB NOVA, where he develops metal complexes and also marine natural products as anticancer and antimicrobial agents. For this objective, he has been involved in national and international collaborations. Oscar has experience as a supervisor on final master and final degree projects. Moreover, He was a collaborator member of the organizing committee of 1 international event and he has authored 5 articles in international peer reviewed scientific journals, having also 14 communications in Panel.

Talk synopsis


See the ePosters selected


For more information

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Reitoria
Campus de Campolide
1099-085 Lisboa

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa - Reitoria - Campus de Campolide 1099-085 Lisboa, Portugal
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